Decode Obstacles In 5 Productive Methods

With as many problems we face in our daily routine and hustling lives, it appears as there isn’t enough time to sort each one of them with equivalent surveillance and energy. With the goal to minimise the occurrence of the problems — here are the five most effective ways of problem-solving methods:-

BITE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN CHEW: The idiom itself refer towards the concept of attempting to do more work than you are able of. Perhaps, one is already involved into many activities which causes to negligible outputs. Problem solving needs one to be transparent from their working capabilities. Effective solution would be to break down a big problem into smaller chunks and solving them independently with all your potentials and knowledge.

reverseREVERSE ENGINEERING: It is a process of extracting knowledge or  to design information from reproducing anything based on the extracted information. It is the optimum way of finding pieces of the puzzle when you are not aware about all of them. Reverse engineering is like an expedition in which you can locate the accurate piece to it’s exact site in the puzzle as well as different ways to construct a solution within.

marker-checkFIND SIMILARITIES: This method is easy yet an essential part of problem solving. This involves pure experience of solving complex problems which have had helped you in the past to resolve the same. If you can easily related one with the other you are exceeding towards achieving the key of problem solving with an ease. Maintaining all of your project’s code base in GIT and details of all the work you have done even on a sheet will give you a helpful knowledge base. This will specially become a boon to the team leads and your developers.

expertiseORGANIZED EXPERTISE: This method covers a huge area of problem solving.. As an individual one can’t be sailing on two boats. Having an expert  UI developer in your team is a welfare but in case of problem solving you need to bring in different experts  -to get absolute and swift outcomes. i.e, one should be having expertise of System Integrator, Front End designer and most importantly Business Analyst.

timelineTIMELINE: Another key factor towards problem solving is setting up timeline. This will make your work result efficient and effective, qualitative and quantitative. It helps upbringing the progress of meeting deadlines. It’s a plan of how much time a small task or an overall project. A well defined Project plan should always have buffer time for each milestone or for the overall project. I start framing the timeline to estimate a project with the following:

  1. Requirement gathering and Data Model setup for a business
  2. Development of various phases and features
  3. QA and Delivery.

Every 40 hours + projects will need a well defined timeline. Almost every client wants their project to be completed even before the due date. In this fast pace delivery need, Salesforce CRM is a best way to get your business process configured and ready to use.

Author: AJ

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