What You Believe is What You Achieve – Ajay Dubedi

Being a part of the Business World for over 15 years now, I definitely have seen a lot of changes and shifts in the economy, technological advancements, increased competition, and most importantly the mindset of people.

After a lot of trial and error, I have helped myself and my peers understand in detail the attitudes and habits that allow people to persevere in this competitive world despite big challenges that might come their way. 
Through this small write-up, I would like to share some of my ideas with you hoping that they will help you in your journey to conquer the world!

A lot of people have a misapprehension that our genes have an influence on our intelligence and talents when in actuality, our capabilities do not derive from DNA and destiny. People believing so have what we call a “fixed mindset”, rather than a “growth mindset” which instead prompts people in believing that it is our practice and perseverance that drives us to always move forward in life.

The mindset that we have, in turn, has a profound impact on how we learn and which paths we take in life.

To simplify this with an example, say you already have a fixed mindset and believe that you are poor at a certain job, you will never explore your potential or bother putting in a lot of effort to learn a difficult concept if you’ve convinced yourself that you’re lousy at it and nothing is going to alter that basic equation.
On the contrary, people with a growth mindset believe that basic qualities, including intelligence, can be strengthened like muscles.
They move ahead in life with the belief that their true potential is unknown and it is impossible to know what they can accomplish with years of dedication, passion, and toil.

As a result, these are the people that have every incentive to face tough challenges, explore all opportunities and make it happen in this tough world!

I have always taken each step in life with the notion that it will prove to be an opportunity of growth and learning for me, which has on the way made me capable of having the trust and confidence in myself to run businesses confidently.


With the aim and thought of helping the new generation make their name in this competitive world of tech, I started LearNowX which was only an idea at the start, but now, is a growing platform that helps young tech aspirants learn the fundamentals of the booming technologies in the current market and assures them that once they are determined to learn, there is nothing that can stop them.
Our mentors and highly experienced trainers at LearNowX make sure to help you and guide you through your journey of becoming everything that you dream of in the world of tech.
Most importantly, LearNowX is a solution-driven platform with a focus on shifting your “fixed mindset” to a “growth mindset”.

Today, the greatest takeaway for you should be to ask yourself things like, “Which areas have I always looked at through a fixed-mindset lens?” would I have achieved more, and would things be different if I had just taken that one tough step? 

Author: AJ

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