Everything You Want To Know About Einstein Discovery

What Is Einstein Discovery And How Can It Help Me?

Powered by Artificial Intelligence, Einstein Discovery helps users identify insights and explain a wide range of patterns across millions of rows of data in a few minutes. In other words, Einstein Discovery with some configuration can help you easily recommend a future course of action or predict an outcome for a Salesforce object of your choice.
Einstein Discovery helps your team boost productivity and work speed as it offers answers to common business queries like:

  • Predictions –What happened? Was it something unusual?
  • Explanations –Why did it happen? What is the complete, accurate, and precise diagnosis behind the facts?
  • Recommendations –What will happen next? Is this just an isolated incident or is there a trend?
  • What must you do about it? Are there are any effective options to deal with it?

Data can easily be imported into Einstein Discovery from popular databases like SQL, Hadoop, Heroku, SAP, CSV files, Salesforce, etc.
All in all, Einstein Discovery can be referred to as a personal data assistant who is readily available at all times to quickly sift through piles of data to ascertain critical patterns and make accurate predictions.

Advantages Of Einstein Discovery

  • Efficiently utilizes data prep for enhancing your data through an automated functionality.
  • Creates natural language stories exported to Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, or Salesforce Wave Analytics.
  • It gives you control and freedom of all the probabilities of what is taking place, what would happen next, and what you must do for it.
  • An automated process helps you analyze millions of data combinations in a few minutes.
  • It can be easily connected to Salesforce or any other organized source of data.

The story output of Einstein Discovery is delivered in a user-friendly manner that can be easily consumed and acted upon with great ease and speed.
The results that Einstein Discovery produce can be effectively analyzed and utilized on a practical level in more than just a way, including:

  • Visualized in Einstein Analytics.
  • Demonstrated on Salesforce records.
  • Employed for triggering Salesforce automation.
  • Included in Salesforce dashboards and reports.
  • Flagging critical data trends to relevant users.

What can Einstein Discovery do for your business?

The simple answer is — WONDERS!
Like any other AI platform, Einstein Discovery is just a tool. The greatest advantage of this advanced tool is that it can help you deal with humongous amounts of data that is presently sitting in different systems and offering little or no value to your business. Einstein Discovery is also an excellent tool for efficiently and effectively handling the Terabytes, Gigabytes, Petabytes, and Yottabytes that the systems of your business collate day after day. Furthermore, it is equally effective to help you make smart, informed, and data-driven decisions at an individual or group level.
Let us have a close look at some amazing practical examples of how and what Einstein Discovery can do for your business.

  • Behavioral analytics with cohort analysis- Einstein Discovery can help you analyze millions of rows of events’ data (social footprint, online interaction, website behavior, app usage, etc.) for facilitating behavioral and contextual understanding. Product teams can make use of Cohort Analytics for tracking and catering to the specific requirements of different users. Each group, known as a cohort, may have unique characteristics. Cohort Analytics reveals that less advanced users require more guidance and advanced users require more features. Moreover, it reveals the precise point of failure where every cohort usually runs into trouble along the user journey and this use case incorporates churn and retention analysis reveals
  • Predictive analytics around forecasting, pipeline-It is one thing to analyze data and identify trends around what has happened and a completely different ball game to analyze data and accurately predict what could happen in the future, or what may happen if some variables are changed. Einstein Discovery can make the best of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to make accurate, precise, and powerful predictions about your business’s cash flow, pipeline, profitability, etc.
  • Creation of powerful experiences-There is no denying the fact that understanding and utilizing complex data for empowering the marketing automation system of your business is a cumbersome task. Einstein Discovery simplifies this process and makes it easy for data-powered conclusions to be fed back into your customer relationship management system to supercharge the processes of marketing automation that enhances customer, service, and marketing experiences.


A big majority of businesses don’t have the expertise or in-house skills to deploy Einstein Discovery in the right and profitable ways. It is always recommended to hire a Salesforce Development Company that offers other services such as Salesforce admin, Salesforce customization, and Salesforce implementation.

Author: AJ

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