Learning Salesforce in India

Learning Salesforce in India

Its a casual day and some newbie in Salesforce asked me “Is Learning Salesforce in India worth”. Mine and everyone’s first answer would be “Do you have the budget to either fly to a western country or pay USD 2000 fees of Salesforce Training online?” Well, that is not the cross-question that I replied back with. I thought of...

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Difference SLDS & Aura Components

Difference SLDS & Aura Components

As we all know Lightning has been added to Salesforce very recently and it is the future of Salesforce. So lot of people who are new to Lightning but have the curiosity to learn it sometimes find it difficult to understand. I realised that the best way to start would be by describing what are the differences between Salesforce Lightning...

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Day 3 Assignment

Day 3 Assignment

I have created 5 days Salesforce based assignment this is third 3rd day I hope you have already finished 1st and 2nd day. If not it is highly recommended to finish the blog-1, and blog-2 part 1 & part 2  first. The assignment is in format of a typical Salesforce requirement, comparable to a small size project. Please go through...

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Day 2 Assignment Part-1

Day 2 Assignment Part-1

I have created a 5 Days Salesforce based programming and configuration assignments for practice and improving your skills. This blog have the second day assignment. The assignment is in format of a typical salesforce requirement, comparable to a small size project. To design and develop this project it is recommended that you register a fresh salesforce developer org. Please...

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Day 1 Assignment (Series)

Day 1 Assignment (Series)

I am back once again with lots of Salesforce programming practice questions for beginners. I have created a 5 Days Salesforce based programming and configuration assignments for practice and improving your skills. This blog have the first day assignment of creating various series using Salesforce Apex language. Writing down scripts on Execute anonymous we can produce the following series....

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