Salesforce code move from sandbox to production.
Code Move Strategy:
Step 1: Check the existing production code coverage by “Run All Test”.
Step 2: Lookout for test class failures if any.
Step 3: List out the Batch jobs running in production.
Step 4: Compare the code between production and Sandbox before working on it. If any differences found report it to your end Client/Manager.
Step 5: Make sure if you are deploying an apex code its code coverage should be above 85%.
Step 6: Use Changeset for small size deployment with less components. Keep the changeset names in a well defined order.
Step 7: Use Eclipse or Ant Migration tool for deployment with many components.If you have the privilege of Full copy sandbox use it for trial deployment and go live. Full copy Sandbox gives you an advantage of less risk more effort based deployment process.
Step 8: Deactivate the necessary batch jobs and Validation Rules before deployment.
Step 9: Make sure the deployment is in the right time slot when end users are not working or keep the team informed for any surprises that may come while deployment or after that.
Step 10: Validate and Deploy. Reactivate the Jobs, VRs etc.
Step 11: If possible test the deployment in production or ask the respective feature manager to test it in production and report feedback.

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